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PROF.TABITHA JANUMALA National Conference Publications

List of National Conference Publications:

  1. Mr.Mahesh Bani, Mrs.Tabitha Janumala, Dr.Prasanna Kumar.S.C, "Design & Simulation Of Estrogen Sensor",  Proceedings of “National Conference on Knowledge Dissemination of PG Projects and Research Work” , page 113. RVCE, Bengaluru.  7th -8th May ,2018.
  2. Tabitha Janumala presented a paper titled   “Telemetry Based Stress Monitoring System” in National Conference on Computation Communication And Technology  held at R.V.C.E, Bangalore  (January 2010) . 
  3. Tabitha Janumala titled "Telemetry Based Stress Monitoring System" in National Level Conference, Communication Networks and Security conducted by the Department of Telecommunication & PG Studies held on 17th May 2010 at RVCE, Bangalore.
  4. Tabita Janumala , Dr Prasanna Kumar " Stress monitoring based on Heart Rate and Galvanic Skin Response Using ZIGBEE" National Conference on wireless control and communication (NCWCC -11) , April 2011, Page 64.

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